Fender Stratocaster Road Worn '50s Review

Who does not dream of owning an original 50s, 60 or 70 Fender guitar, worn and roughened by time? By proposing this new Road Worn '50s Stratocaster series, Fender already knows they have a hit with musicians and that success will be met.
What about when looking at this model more closely? Above all it is important to note that this is a USA model and not Mexico, the error could be committed as soon as the sensation of holding a vintage guitar is stirring and impeccable quality finish! The attention to aging of the guitar, body and equipment is perfect. It's really nice and it's hard to rest the guitar.

For the rest of the features we are faced with a standard model Stratocaster Mexico, more modestly with her ​​black dress. No technological extravaganza. This is perhaps the only downside a guitar that costs almost 1000 euros! We can always justify that in 1950, which inspired this model, there was really no choice for electronics.
The sound delivered by Fender pickups is typical, clear and sometimes a little crunchy depending upon usage and with good momentum. Low frequencies slightly behind but quickly offset by the regulation of the amp. But again for a guitar which the bet is to draw an old '50s model, all the ingredients. This is a faultless, the feeling of owning an old guitar is indeed done.


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